A little Lumpen Novelita by Roberto Bolano



A little Lumpen Novelita by Roberto Bolano

Chilean fiction

Original title – Una Novelita Lumpen

Translator – Natasha Wimmer

Source – Personnel copy

It has been a while since I reviewed Bolano he is one of the most review writers on the blog I have reviewed seven of his works on the blog as I work through all short books before I go back and reread savage detectives and 2666 both of which I read before the blog. I still have the return and Amulet on my tbr pile to read. This particular book was part of a project to get ten latin american writers at the turn or the millennium to write a story set in Rome. This book has also been made into a film.

One morning the Bolognan and the Libyan left. I spent an hour, more or less, going through the drawers to see whether they’d stolen anything. Nothing was missing.

Even I couldn’t deny that their conduct had been impeccable for the five days they’d stayed with us. They always washed the dishes, three times they hade dinner themselves, and they didn’t try anything with mr , which was important. I could sense the interest in their eyess, in the way they moved, and the way they talked to me, but I noted their self control and found it flattering

Bianca is an innocent in many ways as this passages shows .

This is a typical work of Bolano in his novella writing as it is a patchwork of a book . The story follows a orphaned brother and sister in Rome . Bianca the sister narrators the story, it see them trying to cope with the loss of their parents as they have to start work. But then her brother appears with two criminals just known as the Libiyan and Bolognan ,  they start to work out a crime that the four can do . This involves Bianca become close to a man Maciste a blind former film star , but in a weird twist she develops a weird S&M relationship with the man she is meant to be finding where this former star keeps his money.

Maciste’s eyes- unlike my brother’s eyes and his friends eyes- weren’t innocent. He almost always wore sunglasses. But sometimes he would take them off and look at me or pretend to look at me. Then I would shiver and close my eyes and hug him or try to hug him, which was alway hard considering his size. One day the Bolognan said to me

“That bastard is messing with your head.Find the safe ansd let’s get this over with”

I was reminded of that look frank had in the film Blue velvet as he is watch by Jeffrey

This is one of the stories that has no crime but is a crime story the crime isn’t part of the story it is rather like what Tarantino did in his classic film reservoir dogs where the crime is never show just the the meeting before and the aftermath this is like that we see the four discussing the crime , Bianca taking a lowly and dangerous position as a cleaner come sex toy for the blond old man this remind me somewhat of David Lynch;’s character Frank Booth another man with illness  and unhealthy way with woman. This isn’t a masterpiece but another little piece of the mosaic that is  Roberto Bolano the writer. glimpse at what made him the great writer that he was in this work .Also his love of good and evil the paths people take in there lives which has been at the centre of most of his works and how poverty sometimes leads to the wrong paths in life just to survive whether in Rome or the streets of Mexico city say .

Have you a favourite short Bolano work ?

6 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Desiree B. Silvage
    Oct 29, 2016 @ 21:18:20

    Reblogged this on LITERARY TRUCE.


  2. Lisa Hill
    Oct 29, 2016 @ 22:22:46

    LOL Stu I didn’t know he wrote anything short and manageable!


  3. Bellezza
    Oct 29, 2016 @ 23:46:29

    Maybe I would do better with a novella of Bolanos than his full out books; we have not made friends, so far, despite the highest accolades from bloggers I respect such as yourself and Richard.


  4. JacquiWine
    Oct 30, 2016 @ 06:55:59

    I’ve only read one Bolano, a collection of short stories called Last Evenings on Earth. It turned out to be a bit of a mixed experience for me – some of the stories were excellent while others left me feeling a little cold. This novella sounds good though, and I like your comparison to the structure of Reservoir Dogs. Maybe I should give Bolano another try one day.


  5. 1streading
    Oct 31, 2016 @ 19:41:44

    I think my favourite is still Distant Star, though I still haven’t read 2666. You’ve reminded me that I haven’t read any Bolano in a while!


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October 2016
