novella reading weekend start post

Simon over at stuck in books ,ask people to join in Novella reading weekend well I started last night with a funny dirty little war by the Argentina writer Osvaldo Soriano .a book that follows a village splitting and fighting as peronist and non peronist’s .a fast paced book so far and a new argentina writer to me .

next on pile after this is The Pearl John Steinbeck

November round up

book of the month .

Well I ve let the blog go a bit to pot this month and also my reading .hope to make up this month on blogging and reading .I ve read  this month .

  1. City pick amsterdam edited by Heather Reyes and Victor Schiferi .
  2. Autonauts of the cosmoroutes by Julio Cortazar and Carol Dunlop.
  3. Purge by Sofi Oskannen .
  4. three trapped tigers by G Cabrera Infante .
  5. Tail of the Blue Bird by Nii Ayikwei Parkes.
  6. ilustrado by Miguel Syjuco
  7. windows on the world by Frederic Beigbeder
  8. A buyers market by Anthony Powell .
  9. The book of chamleons by Jose Eduardo Agualusa .

That is 9 in all the least for some months ,I m not a winter person and hate dark nights so have been reading less .

Challenges –

books for the year 119 want to read hundred but passed that a while ago hope to finsh with over 125 .

around the world in 52 books 20/52 one more from orginal list read .

Next month Novella reading first weekend and want to clear library pile that has built up .and finsh year reading 2666 .

December 2010
