Sheffield in the summer some translated books as well


A chance swapping of shifts at work this week meant Amanda and I had the day off together today , so we had planned initially to just go to Chesterfield but a nice warm day yesterday , we decided to have a Sheffield day , so we sat just after we arrived and had a coffee near the peace gardens in the centre of the city ,by city hall .I also decided as we drank our coffee to treat myself to new books today , we usually pop to my favourite second-hand book shop in Sheffield but no we went to waterstones .


well I brought three books at waterstones , in fact today I went for three books by writers I have read firstly is a third book by Hungarian writer LaszloKrasznahorkai his second book to be translated into English War and war as I said when I reviewed Seibo there below earlier this year I intend to read the other books translated into English .The book follows Korin as he travels to new york but also reads an ancient manuscript he discovered in an Hungarian archive .Next up is Eduardo Mendoza his book no word for Gurb , I love forward planning ,this is for next spanish lit month , I have his book an Englishman in Madrid I’ll be reviewing this spanish lit month but found this story as described on the cover a real contrast to that book all about an alien Gurb that becomes Madonna and disappears on to the streets of Barcelona .Last from water stones but first of two books for German lit month is Gunter Grass The Flounder a retelling of the classic fairy tale the fisherman and his wife , it took Grass five years and three rewrites to complete this 500 page novel .The from the discount book store the works , which I check ever so often as it occasionally has a translated gem in turn up trumps with thee second novel from Charlotte Roche of wetlands fame , wrecked seems in similar vein . This a family story with a dark history behind it a shocking second German novel and a bargain for 1 pound in hardback .Then we had lunch Amanda didn’t want any of my sushi . as we sat in the peace garden near the water  fountain and watched the kids play in it .


Then I visited HMV and saw first on dvd tv series box set and then a great film I liked when I watched it a few years ago on tv that I decide to buy .


The tv series was the two series boxset of Twin Peaks , which I had watched last year when it was rerun on uk tv , but as then I had forgotten a number of characters and story threads in the second longer series , I decide as it was cheaper than online to buy it today to watch again as the third series is due in 2016/7 whoop whoop , this open the door for great tv series and it is wonderful to see David Lynch being let loose on tv again .The film I brought is a film from Argentina BomBon el perro a road trip of a down at his luck mechanic and his big white dog he has ended up with as his companion on this road trip .

July 2015
