September 23 Round Czech Lit month 23

  1. Case Closed by Patrik Ourdeník
  2. The Golden Age by Michal Ajvaz
  3. The living and the rest by José Eduardo Agualusa 
  4. Summer of Caprice by Vladislav Vančura
  5. Valentino by Natalia Ginzburg 
  6. The questionnaire by Jiri Grusa

I managed 6 books this month but I did read four for the first Czech lit month I only review Male writers which I ran out of time and the other book I read unfortunately had a print error which is a shame as it was from a female writer. I feel I managed to get a number of the great writers of the 20th-century  Czech fiction reviewed. We went from a village in the thirties to an imagined island , a novel handed around in the seventies and a detective story that isn’t a detective story. So I will do this again next year and have more female writers. I do have a couple of female writers under review already. I also read a great piece of magic realism from a writer I love and a short Italian novella that I loved. It was a great selection this month. I will hope to get a few more reviews done next month and I have a number of days off next month.

Book of the month

I chose this as I love a twisty tale and a number of the books this month have been twisting tales but this detective story isn’t a detective story I loved it I like books that fragment narrative and twist plots. I could have chosen any of the books I read this month as they were all great reads.

Non-book events.

We had a holiday and I wrote a post about that. I brought a second-hand Suede Album which I never got on cd so when it was quite cheap the B-side collection was on three vinyls. But end the month on a YouTube rabbit hole of old disaster movies some made for TV and some like City on fire from the late seventies with a great cast led by Henry Fonda. These were big films back in the day. I also started watching an Australian black snow that has been shown on BBC 4 here.

Czech Lit month

Thanks for all that took part if you’d kindly link your reviews in the comments below I d be very grateful. I will  try and add comments to you all. I will be doing it all again next year.

Next month

I have a few books read to review four at least so I’ll get to them first I have a lot of new books to read so I think next month will be a mix of new and African fiction I’m aiming to add a number more books from Africa by the end of the year.

October 2023
