Bird in a cage by Frédéric Dard



Bird in a cage by Frédéric Dard

French Noir fiction

Original title – Le Monte-charge

Translator – David Bellos

Source – Library book

This is my third choice for Pushkin press fortnight and the first from the Vertigo range I have read , which is a collection of Crime and Noir novels from around the world . This one really caught my eye after Jacqui’s review . Now Frederic Dard is another like his fellow French language writer Simeon that had written an amazing number of books over 240 , a large number of those are from the series San-Antoine , a french detective whose name he choose by pointing a figure on the map of american and choose the nearest place to his finger he wrote 170 books in that series. Pushkin is translation a number of his books into English.

The place was like a fairy grotto piled high with glittering treasures. Christmas tree decorations were stacked on the shelves : glass birds, paper Father Christmases, baskets of fruit made of painted cotton and all those dainty balls as fragile as soap bubbles that help make a tree in a fairy tale.

I was next to be served.There were people waiting behind me

“What can I get you”

I pointed to a silver cardboard birdcage sprinkled with glitter-dust. inside it an exotic bird mak=de of blue and yellow velvet stood on a golden perch

The birdcage but also a dream like feel to the shop .

This is one of Dard’s novel of the night series , a series rather like the Roman Durs of Simeon that look at the darker side of human nature. The novel set in the build up to \Christmas and follows  Albert a man return to his home patch , his mother has died and it is christmas eve and he is back home  in his childhood home for the first time in a long time to bury his mother . He goes to the local area to remind himself of the past , he buys a little silver birdcage that some how reminds him of an image from the past . He then goes for a meal in  a local bar and  he’s meets a mysterious women who  is their with her daughter, but is this woman all she seems   how invites him to her apartment . But is she all she seems and is she leading him into the darkness. and maybe into a trap

She was leaning on me heavily.I could feel her womanly warmth spreading through my body. A troubling desire for her had been nagging me ever since we started walking side by side , with our hips brushing each other.

Ar one point i felt a shiver go through her.

“Are you cold ?”

“A bit”

“Do you want to go into a bar ?”

“i don’t want to see anybody ”

Albert’s  woman as they leave the bar is it a shiver of cold or something else !!

I was remind somewhat of works of David lynch with this where you are never quite sure if you are in a real world or a dream world there is a sense this is maybe Albert’s nightmare world . Did he get to his mothers and fall asleep and all the has followed is a dream. What is the mean of a birdcage , is he cage by his past , of is he now like a wild bird caught in a cage to be an attraction for some else . I kept half expecting a dwarf or a giant to appear like in a Lynch piece  . Dard use the bare bones to guide you through the story rather like Simeon his great friend there is a sense of the darkness with in the human soul . Another writer I was reminded of is Magnus Mills a writer that use the labyrinth of time and being drawn into situations so well in his books I was remind how easily his characters fall into a world they don’t know . I still shocked Dard hasn’t capture the English reader before if this is an example of his novel of the night series of books  I will be visiting the other Pushkin have been publishing as this is a classic dark evening read one of those books you can sit and read in a sitting no problem . Have you a favourite from the Pushkin Vertigo range ?



11 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. kimbofo
    Feb 15, 2017 @ 19:48:14

    I loved this book. I read it a few weeks ago and thought it was very cleverly plotted.


  2. kaggsysbookishramblings
    Feb 15, 2017 @ 20:42:41

    Great review Stu. I’ve only read one of the Vertigos so far (Master of the Day of Judgement) and I loved it!


  3. Lisa Hill
    Feb 16, 2017 @ 09:06:06

    Hi Stu … my review of Madame De by Louise de Vilmorin for Pushkin Press Fortnight is at


  4. Max Cairnduff
    Feb 16, 2017 @ 10:21:59

    It’s a great little book isn’t it? I reviewed it at mine also. Kaggsy, Master of the Day of Judgement is for me easily the best of the Vertigo range that I’ve read so far.


  5. Jonathan
    Feb 16, 2017 @ 22:23:11

    I’m not usually into crime books as such but this one sounds good. I’ve read a couple of reviews of it and it sounds like a great read. The Lynch effect is appealing.


  6. 1streading
    Feb 17, 2017 @ 20:45:03

    This is probably my favourite (I don’t count the Leo Perutz’s novels as I’d already read them). I’ve also read The Wicked Go to Hell and have Crush waiting. Pleased to see more are coming.


  7. Trackback: Feb 2017 that was the month that was | Winstonsdad's Blog
  8. Trackback: The wicked go to Hell by Frédéric Dard | Winstonsdad's Blog

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