Olympic torch in chesterfield

Our day with the Olympic torch in Chesterfield 29th June 2012

Well I taking a post away from books today ,as it was a special day in Chesterfield today the Olympic torch made its way through our town  and local area .Amanda my darling wife  really wanted to see it  go past .So I got the day off work and we then poured over the route through chesterfield and decide to stand near our town hall be a good idea as it is on a nice straight road  and big pavements so we wouldn’t get squashed .

We got there early picked our spot and then waited a hour but it was great fun  as there was a brass band on the town hall balcony and the local school kids where there and kept spirits up as they were cheering and flag waving for the hour plus  wait .As we waited in the crowd we spoke to the people next to us that had come from Derby as their son was going to be a torch holder and the spot we had chosen to stand at was his point to run with the flame so we knew we chosen the best spot .But then disaster struck twenty minutes to go the heavens opened I d only my summer jacket on so dear bless her Amanda ran to the nearest shop with umbrellas primark and came back just as if just for the torch the rain eased off and wonderful blue sky appeared  as if just in time for the torch to come past .But we have a nice union jack umbrella for next time it rains .

And then the torch-bearer bus went by and George the torch bearer that was going to change his torch by us was there ,looking wonderful cool in his 2012 get up and holding very carefully his torch .All of us around just cheered and stared in wonder at it .

So we then saw the sponsors lorries go past and unfortunately my dear Amanda missed out on the freebies they were handing out ,but at least we’d got a great place to see the flame go past .So the as we followed tweets from dear Rob of robaroundbooks as he followed the live feed of the Olympic flame relay . We the heard the roar of the crowd as the torch got nearer .Then it was there for us to see .

So In a little over three weeks when it appears on the TV in the opening ceremony I can say to Amanda as we watch it we saw that .I was pleased we choose to watch it ok we got a bit wet but end up feeling part of something bigger and now I m looking forward to the Olympics even more .

Have you seen the flame ?

June 2012
